Monday, 11 October 2010

Denotative & Connotative Analysis - Q Contents Page

Denotative & Connotative Analysis - Q Contents Page

 The magazine logo is in the top left hand corner on a red strip - the issue number is on the right hand side.
The magazine logo is brand promotion - they do not want the reader to ever forget they are reading and enjoying their magazine. The strip is red which is the same colour as the logo and as it goes over the gutter of the magazine it creates a sense of cohesion between the two pages. It is a thick strip and is bright compared to the plain white background therefore, the reader’s eye is drawn to it. The shade of red is a sign of brand identity.
There is a large photo on the left hand side with a page number written on it larger than the other numbers.
By making an image dominate the left side of the two pages it is showing to the reader that the artist featured in the photograph is included as one of the main articles in the magazine. They have placed this image on the left side as this column of pages is headed ‘Features’ therefore these stories will be individual to this issue and might be slightly different to their usual content. The photograph is the same shade of red as the logo therefore it is achieving cohesion with the brand identity of the magazine. By making the page number larger it is showing it is one of the main articles and a longer, extra special feature.
The pages are listed in columns with red lines between each one - on the left hand and right hand side of each page.
By separating the columns into ‘features’ and ‘regulars’ it is showing to the reader that the magazine is consistently bringing out different articles to their usual issues and featuring more ‘special’ stories to other competing music magazines. The brand identity and cohesion is once again featured by using red lines to separate the page numbers and their stories.
There are smaller images with larger page numbers pulled out from the list.
The page numbers that are larger than the others and placed on small photographs are showing the reader that these articles are features of the magazine and are therefore longer, more important or on the front cover. For example the Lady Gaga article - she is featured on the cover and by placing an image of her on the contents it means the reader could skip straight to reading her article as some buyers may often just purchase the magazine for the cover stories.
Next to the issue number there is a small version of the front cover with a page number on it.
By featuring a smaller image of the front cover next to the issue number it is used a reference for the reader to pick out if they wish, the main cover stories they would like to read first (maybe). The contents page is about advertising what is contained within the magazine and the layout appears busy and the page is made full of text and images to show the reader just how much is featured in the magazine.
The date and page number is in the bottom right hand corner.
By placing the date and the page number in the bottom right hand corner it is showing that these pieces of information are not the most important features of the contents.
The text on the page is considerably smaller than the images featured and the headlines of the columns are in bold and capital letters.
By using photographs of features within the magazine the page is made to look full and appear exciting to the reader. The titles of the contents are in bold and capital letters - against the white background this makes them stand out and therefore it is a quick one or two word summary of the articles within the magazine. The contents page is clear as some readers may have only purchased the magazine for something advertised as a cover story and wish to find where it is in the magazine quickly.
The main colours of the page are red, white and black
The combination of the three colours featured (red, black and white) are considered chic and appear up to-date and modern. By contrasting these bold colours on a plain white background without leaving a lot of negative space helps the text and the images stand out more. By only using these three colours it creates cohesion over the two pages.
The website of the magazine is on the bottom left of the right hand page.
The logo is featured three times over the double page spread. Q does not want the reader to forget they are reading and enjoying their magazine. By placing it where the article concludes it makes it the last feature the reader sees before they turn the page.

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