Monday, 11 October 2010

Denotative & Connotative Analysis - Kerrang Double Page Spread

Denotative & Connotative Analysis of Double Page Spread - Kerrang

There is a border along the top with the band name.
The border along the top with the band name is not only to advertise the band but, because it goes over the gutter of the magazine it creates a sense of cohesion between the two pages.

The whole page conducts a plain silver background with white and black writing.
The plain silver background exaggerates the subject and the main image of the band. It is not too fussy and reflects the content of the article. It is showing the laid back, simplistic attitude the band has about their careers as it mentions the lead singer (Matt Bellamy) sees no separation between the band and their audience – no hierarchy.

The image of the band is large, and stretches across the gutter of the magazine. The lead singer is slightly in front of the other two band members, and he has his hand on his blazer in a strong stance.
The large image of the band is what your eye is first drawn too on this double page spread. By stretching across the gutter of the magazine it creates a bond between the two pages. By showing one member of the band slightly in front of the other band members it shows that that person is the lead singer. By making him pose with a firm stance and his hand on his blazer it gives a sense of power. The expression on their faces is stern and reflects the sincerity that goes into their careers.

The headline of the article is in white capital letters fading into grey.
By putting the headline of the article in this font it makes it stand out on the grey background. The contrast of the text on the plain background enhances the cohesion as the three colours are modern shades.

The title of the article also stretches across the gutter.
The title of the article is in a swirly, classic font and covers the main image – this again achieves a sense of modernity and cohesion.

The beginning of the article opens with a drop cap on front of a star.
By opening the article with a drop cap it immediately draws the reader’s attention towards the beginning of it. It separates it from the main image and is in the bottom right hand corner. By not ending the section of text with a full stop it means the reader has to turn the page to read further.

There is no negative space on the pages.
By not having any negative space on the page it keeps the article flowing and does create a sense of cohesion and modernity. With the clean lines of the border and the effect of overlapping the gutter makes the reader read on.

The size of the font of the text of the article is considerably smaller than the other text on the page, in black.
By having the text of the article considerably smaller it shows that there is going to be a lot to say about the band. The large fonts are to grab the reader’s attention – when the article has the attention all the reader has to do is start reading the smaller text of the main bulk. The larger text performs an eye-catching job and the article text is there simply to be read for a purpose.

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