Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Progression From Preliminary Task

Audience Feedback on Final Product & Personal Critical Feedback

My focus group overall received my media product quite well. They liked the similarities between it and other real media products available. ‘The colours are a bit girly’. I do believe that my product is slightly feminine however I did try to keep it clean-cut and as less fussy looking as possible. I can see why my magazine would maybe be preferred by women more than men in this case. The final chosen image fitted in well with the theme of the magazine – by incorporating fashion and style into music. The sexualised image of my ‘artist’ on the cover attracted people above a certain age. From young teenagers aged about sixteen, to people of their mid-thirties. The idea behind my image was to attract the audience’s attention and therefore I believe this was achieved. Another criticism my focus group made was that the editing on the photo could have been better. Had I stuck to my time deadlines, and originally tried to take a photo of better quality I would have achieved an overall better, more striking effect. Moreover I believe my product does relate to my target audience.

Different Saved Versions

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Final Photograph Choice - Double Page Spread

After getting my focus group to choose their favourite photo of the images I have taken they chose this photo as the image they would prefer to see on the double page spread. I have edited the contrast and the brightness of this photo to achieve the desired effect of a bright white background simulating a high-end photo shoot and brightening the subject’s face. By manipulating the contrast of the image the subject is then given slightly more colour, portraying a glamorous effect on a fairly simple photo. I like this image because it is a strong contrast to the photo that will be on the front cover of the same subject.

Final Photograph Choice - Front Cover

After getting my focus group to choose their favourite photo of the images I have taken they chose this photo as the image they would prefer to see on the front cover of my magazine. I have edited out the wristband the model was wearing and edited the hair on her face and the skin around her lips. By doing this I have simply sharpened up the image and given it a more glamorous effect. I kept the model’s face sultry, and the pose powerful – along with the dark make-up and the dark hair I think it is a very striking photograph. I think the mise-en-scene of this image shows the model has a very strong sense of her femininity and sexuality and by posing in such a strong position combined with the make-up really helps portray the attitude of the ‘artist’.